What to Do When You Fail a Test

1. By how many points did you fail it?
2. How long did you study for this test?
3. What study materials did you use?
4. List your top three excuses (be honest…literally anything is permissible).
5. Describe what worked and what didn’t for your previous tests.
6. Have you analyzed your NCARB Fail Report? What areas were you weak in?
7. Have you accessed a Plan B Study Schedule? Plan B is basically everything I
thought was useful that could not fit into the first four weeks.
Potentially coming soon! Would this be something that interests you? Let me know in an email.
When you fail a test, give yourself (only) one full day to sulk and one full week to recover. Then immediately schedule the next test.
Since you have to wait 60 days to retake, choose a test different than the one you just failed. Spend 30 days studying for the new test, and then 30 days studying for the retake. See image above for tests that pair well together.