The key to passing the ARE is very simple:
It’s very simple: study one month for each test.
But just because it is simple, does not mean this is easy. This is going to take some serious dedication. ARE you ready for that? This is going to be a test of how strong you are. But that’s okay because you know you’re strong.
If you’re anything like me, you need a day-by-day plan for exactly what to do to keep you on track.
This system kept me accountable when all I wanted to do after work was go home and crash. As you can imagine, these schedules went through many iterations. I finally organized them into an interactive excel sheet for each test. That way you can easily adjust to fit your personal schedule (because life doesn’t give The sheets I have created are the best study materials I have found…tailored specifically to each test. Don’t waste your time studying every single material for every single test like I did.
Alright, let’s talk about the actual tests.
Here’s how I would take them:
Practice Management: Most like what you learned in Pro Practice in School
Project Management: Contracts, contracts, contracts
Construction & Evaluation: Submittals
Programming & Analysis: The odd one out…zoning, setbacks, etc.
Project Planning & Design: Think of this as the design development phase of construction